St. Louis Arc’s Early Childhood programs address the needs of each child from birth to age 6.
Every child develops at their own pace. However, child development typically occurs in stages for the majority of children. If a child misses a step, it can weaken the foundation for their development of higher level skills. Our approach helps children develop higher skill sets for future learning and growth in their life.
Explore the St. Louis Arc’s Programs for Children and Families
The St. Louis Arc provides a variety of support for children, families, and educators. Learn more about what these programs provide and the impact they have on our community.
Equipment Lending 
Capable Kids and Families® is a program designed to promote early intervention by providing children ages 0 to 6 years with developmentally appropriate toys and therapeutic equipment free-of-charge. Additionally, the program connects families to community resources that meet their needs, and facilitates network building and supportive friendships among parents.
Learn more about CKF through this video. Video was funded by Community Impact Network and produced by Seth Treptow at Regular Guy Creative.
Childcare and Preschool 
Comprehensive support to teachers and children in community-based, inclusive early childhood settings. The goal of the program is to identify and support young children with developmental delays and disabilities to learn and develop in their chosen setting, while increasing the capacity of local child care centers and families to identify and meet children’s needs.
Learn more about the Embedded program through this video. Video was funded by Community Impact Network and produced by Seth Treptow at Regular Guy Creative.
Parents with a Disability 
Parents Learning Together (PLT) helps parents with developmental disabilities learn the skills necessary to safely and successfully raise their children.
Learn more about PLT through this video. Video was funded by Community Impact Network and produced by Seth Treptow at Regular Guy Creative.
The St. Louis Arc is always taking applications for practicum students and internships. Complete a Practicum and Internship Interest Form to get started with the Arc.
Community Resources List
If you are a parent, guardian, family member, or community member looking for various resources, this is a good starting list of resources.