Neighborhood Experiences is a unique program which engages participants, ages 13-20, in volunteer and work experiences to achieve personal and career goals.

Neighborhood Experiences is a unique program which engages participants, ages 13-20, in volunteer and work experiences to achieve personal and career goals.
As we approach the end of October, the St. Louis Arc would like to recognize National Disability Employment Awareness Month(NDEAM). This nationalcampaign raisesawarenessaboutdisability employment issues and celebrates the many and varied contributions of Americas workers withdisabilities. The St. Louis Arcs Supported Employment team was busy in fiscal year 2017, supporting 100 individuals with disabilities obtain…
Accommodation for Success Awards – St. Louis City and County Congratulations to Bhavik Patel, managing partner at Sandberg Phoenix & vonGontard, P.C.! The Accommodation for Success awards committee awarded Mr. Patel the Exceptional Supporter of Inclusive Practices award. Mr. Patel and Sandberg Phoenix & vonGontard, P.C. were nominated by the St. Louis Arc for their…
Parks and Recreation Month Individuals experience things differently, and the activities that the Parks and Recreation month provide are no exception. There are many benefits of Parks and Recreation month including: increasing physical activity, relaxation of the mind, bringing people closer together, and fostering collaboration. Parks and Recreation month encourages fun through the use of…
At the St. Louis Arc, we greatly value the practicum students and interns who join us each semester. These students help us provide quality programs, and allow us to learn new perspectives and up to date practices. We enjoy working with students from a variety of schools, both in and out of town, and students…
On March 1, 2017 the nation observed Spread the Word to End the Word, a day dedicated for society to stop and think about the use of the R-word. At the St. Louis Arc, the Social Justice Committee honored the day by asking the question Which words would you like people to use to describe…
Individual volunteers are an important part of the St. Louis Arc. But equally as important are our volunteer partnerships throughout the St. Louis Community that have long standing relationships with the Arcs Community Engagement (CE) program. The Arcs CE program provides individuals opportunities to explore their community on a daily basis through a mix of…
For the past 18 years, the St. Louis Arc has partnered with Webster University for the Shoot n Hoops Basketball Clinic. This years clinic, held on December 3, was taught by the Webster University Mens Basketball team. Twenty-eight Arc participants attended the clinic where they spent the morning running different basketball drills including dribbling, shooting…
Congratulations to Shanae J. on being named the November Employee of the Month at SSM Health St. Marys Hospital. Shanae has been working in Environmental Services for the past eight months, providing SSMs exceptional level of customer service while cleaning and sanitizing patient rooms. Shanae was able to obtain this role with the assistance of…
Working Together to Prepare for Kindergarten In 2010, Beyond Housing partnered with community leaders and residents within the Normandy Schools Collaborative to launch the 24:1 Initiative. The name references the 24 local municipalities that comprise the Normandy geographical footprint. Belle Childrens Services of St. Louis Arc was there at the start, sharing a vision of…