The St. Louis Arc is excited to offer programs both in-person and virtually for the fall session! Leisure Services has worked hard to continuously offer opportunities for people with and without disabilities to stay connected and engaged. The Arc is offering options for participants to safely engage in activities in a way they most feel…
Residential Opportunities Available
The St. Louis Arc offers various residential experiences that maximize an individuals independence, while providing 24-hour support to ensure a safe and healthy environment. Residential options with the St. Louis Arc includecommunity-based homesas well as our residential community atDautel Circle. The Arc invests in our staff, adapting and tailoring training so we can provide support…
Day Services Expansion
The Community Engagement (CE) team is excited to announce several changes and the expansion of services. CE is expanding its day program to include an additional AgingWithEmpowerment (AWE) site and a new day program called LIFT (Learning IndependenceForTomorrow). The LIFT program will offer intensive skill-building to individuals needing additional support managing their behaviors. Along with…
Using Their Voices
The St. Louis Self-Advocates, the Arcs newest advocacy group, kicked off their summer programming in a big way. Hosting”St. Louis Self-Advocates Present: An Evening with Rep. TracyMcCreery”, the grouptook full advantage of the timepolicymakersspend working intheir home districts. Theyoung self-advocatesinvited local legislatorsto meet virtually for aquestion-and-answersessionto ensure their voices were heardon various issues. Advocating and…
Launching into New Areas
The St. Louis Arc is excited to announce the expansion of Launch into St. Charles County and Jefferson County.With the support of funding from DDRBand DD Advocates, theexpansionoffers qualifying residents of St. Charles County and Jefferson County free access to the virtual Launch program. Next and Launch In 2019 the St. Louis Arc launched Next,…
NextEd Challenge
One of lifes major milestones is stepping out on your own for first time. Whether you move to a college dorm, find a roommate and an apartment in the city, or you rent or buy your first home; taking that first step can be daunting. Next, the St. Louis Arcs transition department, is offering a…
Mixing It Up
Community Engagement (CE) and Aging With Empowerment (AWE) continue to engage participants in a unique and challenging format. As a result of the pandemic, the programs cannot run in-person at full capacity, and some participants are actively choosing to stay home. With seven sites across St. Louis, the programs are offering both in-person and virtual…
A Message of Gratitude
From the President and CEO A quote, which is a favorite of mine, is attributed to Fred Rogers, aka Mister Rogers. He said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping….
What’s Happening
Podcasts, webinars, online meetings, Zoom scavenger hunts, virtual game nights. The current offering of programs from the St. Louis Arc not only brings about a new vocabulary but is also bringing a new or renewed interest in the agencys events. Whether you are new to the Arc or are just having trouble maintaining your new…
Preparing for Employment
Sharons Tips & Tools To recognize National Disability Employment Awareness Month Sharon Spurlock, Director of Family Support, shares how to use the Life and Employment Guide from Charting the LifeCourse. The LifeCourse tools help individuals and family members clarify their vision of a great future. In this video, Sharon explains how individuals can explore incorporating…